What happened to Yellowstone backpacker Austin King? His dad is committed to finding out

What happened to Yellowstone backpacker Austin King? His dad is committed to finding out

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In an e-mail Wednesday to the Star Tribune, park spokesperson Morgan Warthin said the NPS was cautioning people helping King-Henke about the terrain and inclement weather to come.

“We continue to support this effort as much as possible while also considering the risks to lives, and have provided the father information on the park’s search efforts to date,” Warthin added.

Two Montanans have been instrumental in helping form plans and spreading the word to others with search-and-rescue expertise, King-Henke said.

Roger Roots drove down from Livingston, Mont., to help. He backpacked in solo and climbed Eagle Peak between Oct. 11-13, but found no sign of King.

“It is an extremely difficult mountain to climb. There are rings of cliffs around it,” Roots said.


Searchers from the air combed the east side of Eagle Peak during the initial operation. (NPS / Jacob W. Frank)

John Lamb, a small business owner from Norris, Mont., north of West Yellowstone, decided to help, too, and enlisted others to assist in the search. He was there for week until Wednesday, when the storm moved in.

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