Eighth District, Jen Schultz: I will put country above party

Eighth District, Jen Schultz: I will put country above party

Opinion editor’s note: Strib Voices publishes a mix of guest commentaries online and in print each day. To contribute, click here.

The opinion editors have invited candidates in Minnesota’s key congressional races to submit commentaries making their case to voters. We conclude with the Eighth District with this article by Jen Schultz, a Democrat. Incumbent Rep. Pete Stauber, a Republican, did not respond.

I’m running for Congress because people of the Eighth District deserve a better leader. I will put country above party and be on your side building a better future for everyone.

My grandparents were farmers, and I’m a daughter of a single mother. My father was a firefighter and served our country in Vietnam. My small-town roots instilled in me the value of helping your neighbors.

I know what it’s like to work hard and still struggle to pay bills. I started working at age 14 parking cars at the county fair, then at a restaurant and grocery store. I now live in Duluth with my husband, who is a criminologist, and our two teenage sons. I teach economics, and as a union member, I understand the importance of advocating for working families.

I’m proud to be endorsed by labor unions such as the AFL CIO, AFSCME, BLET, CWA, Education Minnesota, NEA, AFT, Minnesota Nurses Association, IBEW 242, SEIU, UFCW, SMART and USW SOAR. Union members know I fight for workers’ rights.

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