Readers Write: Trump’s Hitler comments, how his supporters see him, how Harris’ supporters see her

Readers Write: Trump’s Hitler comments, how his supporters see him, how Harris’ supporters see her

Trump has stated he wished he had generals like Hitler had, according to former Trump White House Chief of Staff John Kelly. Why would Trump wish to have generals who were defeated in World War II by American generals? Seems a logical desire would be to pick the winners, unless there was something else about the German generals he found desirable.

James Halvorson, Farmington

Hitler is back in the campaign. And the Democratic Party is getting very nervous. They are worried that Vice President Kamala Harris is not performing well on the campaign trail. They see their internal polling and recognize this as desperation time. In one of their latest smears, they are trying to equate Trump with Hitler. That, of course, is beyond vile and over the top. But the left doesn’t care. Neither does the Star Tribune (per the front-page, above-the-fold headline). In a country with free speech like America, you can say it, but anybody who does should lose all respect from others and simply be shut down. The latest to come out with these ridiculous and hateful tropes is John Kelly. He hates Trump and wants him to lose. He says that Trump admires Hitler and some of Hitler’s generals, and that Trump has fascist tendencies. Harris says she concurs with the assessment that Trump is a fascist. However, did we ever see these Hitler-like or fascist tendencies in Trump’s first four years? No. Did we ever see the rounding up of Trump’s opponents and sending them off to concentration camps? No. This is nothing but a last-minute, pathetic smear by a disgruntled Kelly. Remember, if Trump doesn’t like the job you’re doing, you’re out! That’s what happened to Kelly.

These Kelly statements are unverified and most likely a bunch of garbage. Anyone using these tropes, on either side, should be shut down, sidelined and excoriated. But this is how the Trump haters and the far left roll. There are apparently no limits on the smears and lies coming from the party of love and joy.

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