A successful divided government is indeed a myth

A successful divided government is indeed a myth

Opinion editor’s note: Strib Voices publishes a mix of guest commentaries online and in print each day. To contribute, click here.

Perpetuating government gridlock will do the citizens of this state a great disservice.

We know that tune, having lived through over 30 years of split government in Minnesota which simply fomented ever-increasing partisanship, where one party took a my-way-or-the-highway approach: cleansing its ranks of pro-choice members and stifling bipartisan collaboration on much-needed state funding for education, health care, transportation, public safety, human rights and the environment — all under the guise of “no new taxes.”

Connect the dots: Those opposed to good governance drag the state backward. Let’s not do that again. Gridlock perpetuates the notion that government is the problem, solving nothing while lining the pockets of the rich and ignoring the plight of the poor.

Make no mistake: This election cycle is about freedom, fairness and equality. Equal rights are on the ballot Nov. 5, both statewide and nationally.

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