How she does it: Minnesota star recruit Tori Oehrlein’s daily routine requires toughness, discipline

How she does it: Minnesota star recruit Tori Oehrlein’s daily routine requires toughness, discipline

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Oehrlein pulls into her driveway. It’s approaching 7 p.m.

“I’m greeted by my three dogs, who thought I was never coming home,” Oehrlein said. “Once I love them up, I head out to the barn where I do my horse chores. We have five horses [and] two of them are mine. It’s my responsibility to bring them grain and hay at night. I generally brush my horses out and once they have eaten let them back out in the pasture.”

“Tori keeps a tight schedule,” said Josh Oehrlein, who is joined once in a while by his daughter in a “noon old man’s league,” as she calls it. “There is no free time, down time. She stays busy every day.”

Oehrlein is wise beyond her years, something most athletes, or students her age, don’t always posses.

“You could see a maturity, focus and intensity that few athletes can match,” Gindorff said. “Her work ethic is phenomenal in the classroom and in whatever athletic venue she chooses, be it a tennis court, pool, softball diamond, track and, of course, the basketball court.”

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